Bible correspondence courses on paper have helped many children to trust Jesus. But numbers of involved children dropped down from thousands to almost zero. Our goal is to transform the idea of correspondence courses to the digital space.
BCC App is a place where children come and learn about Jesus. Children can complete interactive lessons on computers, phones, and tablets. Children send completed lessons to guides who check their lessons and help them to learn.
BCC App is also an editor where interactive lessons can be created. Editor contains 59 modules that can be inserted into a page to create lesson layout, add content, questions, quizzes, mini-games, and other interactive elements. No coding is required. There are also many courses in english ready for just translation.
- It helps children to trust Jesus, because they can learn more about him in a way that is natural for them.
- If fullfils "every day" part of CEFs vision, since children can join during the week to do courses and daily devotionals.
- It allows to reach children unreachable by any other way.
- Children can get advice, support and prayers from CEF guides specifficaly for their situation.
Target Audience
Children Reached by CEF Activities
If we think about situation of children, most of them are children already reached by CEF, but unsaved. Those are children from clubs, camps, 5-day clubs, evangelistic outreaches, school programs and other activities made by CEF, volunteers and churches. Children who already had some contact with gospel but haven’t trusted Jesus yet. They are motivated to learn more, and courses helps them.
Children from Christian families
Smaller group are children from Christian families and churches. Saved and unsaved children who are familiar with Bible and were invited to do courses by parents or Sunday School teachers.
Saved children
Saved children who are motivated to read from Bible every day and learn more. Children who trusted Jesus in churches, clubs, or through BCC App ministry.
Unreached children
There’s also a small - but wery important - group of children who hear the gospel for the first time there in the courses. Children invited by schoolmates or children who joined as a result of promotion of the courses. Whether it was offline promotion by leaflets and brochures or online promotion on social networks. This group is small, but important because there are children unreachable by any other CEF ministry.

Children Say
About courses
You did it great I learned a lot of things.
These are awesome lessons!! I can't believe I found such a site. Thank you that this exists.
Little Elf
I awfuly enjoy doing these lessons. I always go throught the previous lesson with your comments and start another. I like the most "game time" and that real story. It's usually wery interesting. This is the best site in the world.
Thank you for the next lesson. It's great you do these and you enjoy it :-)
Children trust in Jesus
I wanted to ask - is it really enough to say that I trust that Jesus is the Lord God and died for me and my sins? Or how can I do that?
You know, I think about saying to the God that I love him and asking for forgiveness of my sins and for the help in my tough situations. But I am afraid that if I will say that to my parents, they will ask many questions and push me into something. What do you think?
Please tell me how can I trust in Jesus. Write back quickly, tommorow could be too late.
I have never believed in God. But now I do.
Please pray for me so that I could be part of God's family.
Children ask questions
Does God change a decision because we pray?
I was thinking. Jesus died for all the people, dead ones and the ones who wasn't born yet. How is that possible?
Tell me please how to pray correctly.
I don't believe in God. I live in the christian family, go to the church, but ... I am a gay. I din't wanted it, I would choose to be on girls. But it doesn't work like this. Why would the God create somebody who is wrong acording to him?
Children confess faith
It was terrible. I couldn't sleep and I thought that nobody will come. I didn't know what to do. Then I slept and dreamed about me praying. Since then I knew how to pray and it was better and better. God helped me. I love God so much. Now it is nice.
Lord God, keep my heart just for you.
Lord Jesus not what I want but what you want. Let it be so. I want to live like that.
Created for CEF®
By CEF Czech Republic (Dětská misie)
Author: Daniel Fér,